Monday, December 3, 2012

mondayyy - burpees

cross fit attempt 3:

7 minutes as many burpees as you can. I accomplished 87 the last couple were modified

If you dont know what burpees are Zuzanna shows them in the video above. She use to be a body rock host and i liked her a lot. Now they have a couple others that are good as well. They are fairly provacative which i dont mind but if you do, you probably wont like the site. They are good workouts you can do from home in a short amount of time but my problem is, i want them to do the whole workout with me instead of just show me a couple and then say "go do it" I want to follow along with them instead of having to watch pause workout repeat. I haven't been to the site in awhile though, maybe they have a few workouts that you can follow along to?

I dont know what to make for dinner tonight. I've been pushing off the fish we have in the freezer for a couple days now because honestly, seafood terrifies me. 9 times out of 10 i DO NOT like it. and i cant decide if its more of a texture or a flavor thing. I found I can handle crab, I can't even leave shrimp in my mouth long enough to taste it because of the texture. The looks of lobster weirds me out etc... i may just have to bite the bullet with this one tonight though, my options are slim.

Going to try to encourage myself to go for a run or something later today, it's much too nice out not to take advantage of it.

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